08 OCT 2013 by ideonexus
The Individual Cannot Escape Reliance on Society
The individual cannot escape his dependence on society even when he acts on his own. A scientist who spends his lifetime in a laboratory may delude himself that he is a modern version of Robinson Crusoe, but the material of his activity and the apparatus and skills with which he operates are social products. They are inerasable signs of the cooperation which binds men together. The very language in which a scientist thinks has been learned in a particular society. Social context also determin...Everyone is connected to everyone else, no matter how secluded. Even our motivations, to become a CEO or a Scientist, stem from the society in which we are born.
27 APR 2012 by ideonexus
Analytical Thinking Reduces Religiosity
Some have argued that belief in God is intuitive, a natural (by-)product of the human mind given its cognitive structure and social context. If this is true, the extent to which one believes in God may be influenced by one’s more general tendency to rely on intuition versus reflection. Three studies support this hypothesis, linking intuitive cognitive style to belief in God. Study 1 showed that individual differences in cognitive style predict belief in God. Participants completed the Cogni...Three studies using math questions written to evoke an intuitive answer, a survey of cognitive styles, and using analytical thinking exercises to reduce the belief in god demonstrate analytical thinking reduces religion in the individual.
03 JAN 2012 by ideonexus
Self-Described Otaku
I was an “otaku.” I know that term has come to mean a great many things to a great many people, but for me it simply meant “outsider.” I know Americans, especially young ones, must feel trapped by societal pressure. All humans do. However, if I understand your culture correctly, individualism is something to be encouraged. You revere the “rebel,” the “rogue,” those who stand proudly apart from the masses. For you, individuality is a badge of honor. For us, it is a ribbon of sh...The term "Otaku" carries horrible connotations in Japanese culture, so it seems highly unlikely that a Japanese male would describe himself as such, but in Max Brooks' book, he has such a character. Posted here for the fascinating definition of Otaku that bares little relation to the actual definition.